Safe child playgrounds
In 2016, The Czech Consumer Association and the Cabinet for Standardization, in collaboration with other partners, issued the second edition of the MANUAL FOR SAFE PERFORMANCE OF CHILD PLAYGROUND, SPORT FIELDS AND OTHER SIMILAR PUBLIC FACILITIES. The brochure is intended for the entities that operate, performe and manage sport and playground facilities, like municipalities, schools, kindergartens as well as private persons, and stakeholders. The recommendations set down in the manual are based on the correct implementation of the appropriate European Standards particularly EN 1176 (Child playgrounds). The project was supported by the Czech national standards body - UNMZ. The booklet is explored on the websites – here.
In October 2016, the Czech Consumer Association organized a national conference on the topic of safe operating child playground and sport fields. new introduced the manual at the event as well as the safety mark "Playgrounds-Sportfields-Gyms - Verified Premises" (see bellow). Director of SČS - Libor Dupal also appeared in the media in this context - here.
We understand the project as an important action to implement the new ISO Strategy (2016-20), as it supports visibility and implementation of international and regional standards (for the strategy, see here)
The Czech Consumer Association with partners developed in 2010 a new safety mark - "Playgrounds-Sportfields-Gyms - Verified Premises". The licence for the mark is approved on the basis of the contract only to those operators who prove via the 3rd party asessment that their playground /sportfield / gyms complies with European Standards and comfirm their will that the verified premises will be controlled each year by the 3rd party inspection.
We have special websites opened for the topic of the safety mark but unfortunately it is only in the Czech language (see). A short description in English - see.